However, the open-world is to blame for the majority of the title's design flaws. There's also the addition of several Most Wanted targets scattered around the map that you need to track, stalk and extra-judicially murder, and the variety of missions, side-ops and objectives to juggle lets you feel like you're making meaningful decisions about how you spend your time, and feeling like you've got agency is valuable. The expanded scope makes a lot of new aspects possible with the open landscape giving players the ability to approach missions in several different ways.

The mission environments are all well-crafted and offer a wealth of opportunities to curious players, and they're stitched together across the broad landscape. In these moments - during the core loop of infiltration, sniping and exfiltration - the open-world shines. These range from the sensible - anti-armour and anti-personnel rounds - to more ludicrous alternatives like exploding bullets, luring bullets and a bullet that tags every enemy within 25 feet on impact. There are several types of bullet you can switch between in your long rifle. There's also a killcam similar to Sniper Elite's - minus the x-ray brutality - that shows you your best shots in slow motion. One of the best feelings in the game is lining up a target, fiddling with your scope to get the zoom and zeroing distance right, and then pulling off a perfect headshot. The sniping itself is a treat, a tactile element to the shooting making it feel like you're acquiring a technical skill. That each difficulty has its own features has the bizarre and not wholly unwelcome effect of making each setting having its own slightly different texture in play.īack to the perch.

Similarly, for those that want more of a challenge, there's an even higher difficulty, which strips out the skill-system and many of the assists.

However, it can be brutally punishing in a lot of cases, and those that want the feeling of being a black-ops badass without constant retries might enjoy the lower difficult. Play it on the Hard difficulty and you're playing as developer CI intended, the regenerating health and generous sniper assists on Normal turned off to give you a proper sniping experience.